My week so far...

Hello everyone welcome back to my blog. Today I felt like writing a chatty post, because I've really been lacking on blog posts a lately, I know. I've been having some troubles with my laptop, it's so slow and just annoying, also I've been waiting for my iPad to be repaired, which is now repaired yay! Anyway I've honestly been so busy this week so far. I've had quite a bit of work to do with college, and I've got to keep revising with maths, which isn't fun at all! So yeah everything has just got on top of me, and I've really neglected my blog. I've also been trying everywhere for a job handing CV's out everywhere, fingers crossed I get one soon!

Today I've had a really nice chilled day though, I've just sat in and watched rubbish daytime tv haha! I've also been looking after my nanans dog Lou-Lou she is so sweet. She's so funny and really makes me laugh, bless her. Of course I had to take lots of pictures of her for Instagram and Twitter, you will of probably seen the pictures already but im still going to show you again, sorry haha!

So from now on I'm really hoping to get back on track with my blog. I've been writing and planning a few ideas for my blog, and I can't wait to get back to normal with it.


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