10 things to be happy about in life.

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog today I wanted to write a blog post about what I am happy for in my life. Its something to get you readers to think about, life is a precious thing and it should be enjoyed to the fullest so I would definitely  recommend to write your own list. It gives you something to smile about even when you're having a down day. Its good to think about the positives when you're having a bad day and think about what you should be grateful for.

10- I am happy that I have a roof over my head and food on my plate everyday, its hard to think that many people out there go with out meals and don't have a home to call their own.

9- I am happy to have a loving supportive family.

8-  I am happy to have my blog and happy to hear from my readers.

7-  I am happy to be myself.

6- I am happy to have great friends.

5. I am happy to not be perfect.

4. I am happy to be healthy.

3. I am happy to be free to do what ever I want.

2. I am happy to live life.

1. I am happy with where I am today.

What are your 10 things to be happy about let me know in the comments!
Lauren x

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